What is Instructional Design
Instructional Design is a systematic and systemic process for the creation of educational resources. It is often viewed as a "problem solving" process.(Baek, 2018) Based on what I learned from classes, Instructional design refers to design of instruction and training, which is to create the educational materials more accessible and efficiency to learners, for meeting their detailed or specific needs.
Systematic: Step by step.
Systemic: A WHOLE view, refers to every part is in a completed cycle, each one of them would make a big difference to the whole process.
A fundamental and popular model that the most often applied in instructional materials creating. It's an endless cycling model made with five steps systematically. These five steps are Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.
Before creating a training or teaching content, making an analysis plan could help to realize current condition and acknowledge gap, etc. This step should come out with Analysis Plan that addresses some key points, such as WHO,WHAT, HOW..
WHO: Whom would be your target audience?
WHAT: What's content in your project?
HOW: What kind of method to deliver your content?
After complete of analysis step, design step is coming for teaching or training people to use the analysis plan to make a decision. This phrase includes objectives, assessment instruments or delivery methods.
In this step should come out with storyboard and flowcharts.
At this stage, begin to create the courses. You will be heavily guided by the prototype/storyboards at this point. The core of the content has already been decided.
This steps should come out with class content.
Once complete the content, it's for a new step. Implementation step is to deliver the content on LMS or other platforms to the learners and the trainers provide the training in this phrase.
Evaluation is the next step after implementation.
Getting feedback on every aspect of the courses is really important so that designers can improve and revise the content. The most popular and direct way is to do a survey by face-to-face class or online LMS. It could help the trainers to aware of the gap they might not thought of.
This steps should come out with Evaluation Report and Revise Plan.
​Dick and Carey Model
Dick and Carey's instructional design model is another important and basic model. It could be regard as the detailed model of ADDIE model. It requires nine steps in the whole process, all of those steps refers at below:
1: Identify Instructional Goals
2: Conduct Instructional Analysis
3: Identify Entry Behaviors
4.Write performance activities
5.Develop Assessment Instruments
6.Develop Instructional Strategy
7.Develop&Select Instructional Materials
8: Design and Conduct Formative evaluation
9: Design and Conduct Summative evaluation
Reflection and Artiffacts
ETEC 544
In ETEC 544, firstly I understand the definition of instructional design. After clear about the ID, I learned ADDIE model, which is the most common model using in instructional design. Our group created a team project:Camtasia 101, which is a course that Teaching students to learn Camtasia. In analysis step, we did interview for our focus group and made a survey to know more about our target audience and prior knowledge about video editing softwares. We had an analysis plan after we got result. Then we move to design step. We made a facilitator map to show what are we going to teach and using the in-person way to deliver content to our learners. After we complete the design step, we started creating the content. We created our materials with PPT, handout and in-class video. We taught our learners with in-class teaching and hands-on training, so that we could get our feedback immediately from our class. We conducted a questionnaire survey to our class, after collecting the data, we wrote our evaluation report and revise plan.
Analysis Plan
Design Document
Development Document
Evaluation Report
In-class Teaching Video
In-class Handouts
ETEC 644
In ETEC 644, I learned another instructional design model: Dick and Carey's Instructional design model, and then apply it into my individual project. I chose a topic that teaching student to buildup resume and prepare for job interview. I followed procedures of model and developed a class on website. My target audience are undergrad International students who are going to graduate in two quarters. After got some information about my target audience, I made a revision and moved to design stage, I created a storyboard as a guidance for development, after revision about design, I started work on development report. Considering about ADA students, I enriched different types of class materials for them under some functional tools, such as audio, video, and ppt. When I was done the course and delivered to my target learners, they give me some feedback and I conducted the evaluation report and revise plan.
​Taking ETEC 644 is able to help me to develop class in another way instead of ADDIE, which add revise stage in each procedure to help instructional designers to make a better decision for achieve a high-efficiency learning goal.
Analysis Project
Design Project
Development Report
Evaluation Report
Baek, E. O. (2018). Lecture Note: Development.