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Action Research and Traditional Research

Action Research

Action research is any systematic inquiry conducted by educators for the purpose of gathering information about how they teach, and how their students learn (Mertler, 2014) The purpose is to make decision and solve the problems, the research questions are derived from practice, and the research samplings are all participants whom they work with. Research data analysis are not focused on those statistics but on the practicality.  Action research includes qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method (Mertler, 2014)

Traditional Research

Traditional Research was conducted by researchers. The purpose of traditional research is to get a conclusion and results as the acknowledge to expand the limits for various fields. Research questions are from hypothesis and researchers should work on that. Theories are important for the whole research process, their samplings are choose from random sample and data are quite significant for it. Traditional research includes qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method (McMillan,2016)




Data Analysis

Action Research

1. Making decisions;

2. Solving problemsï¼›

3. Improving the professional practice.

Participants with whom they work together;

Traditional Research

1. Getting a conclusion or results;

2. Creating a theory to expand the acknowledge limit.

Random sampling choose.

Research questions derived from our real life and field, which is practical based.

1. Not statistically data oriented;

2. Three data analysis methods: qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method.

Research questions come from literature reviews, hypothesis and theories.

1. Statistically data oriented;

2. Three data analysis methods: qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method.

Action Research Process









I.Planning Stage:

1.Identifying and limiting the topic

2.Gathering information

3.Reviewing the related literature

4.Developing a research plan

II.Acting Stage:

5.Implementing the plan and collecting data

6.Analyzing the data

III.Developing Stage:

7.Developing an action plan

IV.Reflecting Stage:

8.Sharing and communicating the results

9.Reflecting on the process

Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is to describe phenomena numerically to answer specific questions or hypotheses.(McMillan, 2016, p.17) â€‹

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is “to determine the causal relationship between two or more phenomena by direct manipulation of factors that influence the phenomena” (McMillan, 2016, p.17)

Quantitative Research vs Qualitative Research 


Reflection and Artifacts

ETEC 543


Final Paper

In ETEC 543 taught by Dr. Leh, my group mates and I had a chance to learn Action Research, which was a brand-new concept for us. We followed Dr. Leh and our research theme to complete a whole action research procedures,planning, acting, developing and reflecting, step by step. From this course, I learned the difference between action research and traditional research, and gradually felt the differences when I was conducted into this research. 

ETEC 643

ETEC 643 is a mile-stone class which offer me a chance to closed felt being a researcher. I individually followed whole process and completed a research. When I was working on that 18 pages research paper at night, I didn't feel tired but quite excited, I still could remember that night. In this class, I learned some research techniques and data analysis tools.  When I worked on the data analysis part, I met some obstacles when I wrote the paper, I realized I still have so many thing to learn.

Post Test

Final Paper

Some Research Data Analysis Softwares


Mertler, C. (2014). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (4th ed., pp. 1-324). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.

McMillan, J. H. (2016). Fundamentals of educational research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN-13: 978-0133579161.

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